Antonyms Test
Q1. Fallacy
A.personal philosophy b.imaginative idea c.unconfirmed theory d.tentative
Q2. Divulge
A.keep secret b.evaluate by oneself c.refine d restore e copy
Q3. Boycott
A.extort b.underwrite c.underbid d.stipuiate e. Patronize
Q4. Adulteration
A.consternation b.puriflcation c.normalization d.approximation
Q5. Deposition .
A.process of congealing b.process of distilling
C.process of eroding d. Process of evoiving
E.porcess of condensing
Q6. Enervate
A.recuperate b.resurrect c.renovate d.gather e.strengthen
Q7. Loquacious
A.tranquil b.skeptical c.morose d.tacitum e.witty
Q8. Ripine.
A.intensify b.excuse joy d.feel sure e.rush forward
Q9. Veneration
A.derision b.blame c.avoidance d.ostracism e.defiance
Q10. Inveterate
A.casual b.public c.satisfactory d.trustworthy e.sophisticated
Q11. Undermine
A.submerge b.supersede c.over d.none of these