Computer Programming Symbols Mcqs 2024

Computer Programming Symbols Mcqs 2024

Computer Programming Symbols Mcqs 2024
Computer Programming Symbols Mcqs 2024

Programming Symbols

  1. What does the symbol == represent in programming?
    A) Assignment
    B) Equality comparison
    C) Inequality comparison
    D) Logical AND
    Answer: B
  2. Which of the following is used for comments in C++?
    A) #
    B) //
    C) /* */
    D) Both B and C
    Answer: D
  3. What is the purpose of the % symbol in most programming languages?
    A) Division
    B) Modulus (remainder)
    C) Multiplication
    D) Logical NOT
    Answer: B
  4. Which symbol is used to enclose arrays in JSON?
    A) {}
    B) []
    C) ()
    D) <>
    Answer: B
  5. What does the ! symbol represent in many programming languages?
    A) Logical AND
    B) Logical OR
    C) Logical NOT
    D) Bitwise XOR
    Answer: C

File and System Icons

  1. Which icon typically represents a file folder in operating systems?
    A) A folder
    B) A paper sheet
    C) A trash can
    D) A magnifying glass
    Answer: A
  2. What does the recycle bin/trash icon in operating systems represent?
    A) Permanent storage
    B) Deleted items
    C) Temporary files
    D) Downloaded files
    Answer: B
  3. Which symbol represents a shortcut file in Windows?
    A) An arrow
    B) A star
    C) A lock
    D) A plus sign
    Answer: A
  4. What is the usual symbol for a file in “read-only” mode?
    A) A pencil
    B) A lock
    C) A cross
    D) A clock
    Answer: B
  5. Which icon is typically used to represent settings in software applications?
    A) A gear
    B) A folder
    C) A file
    D) A bell
    Answer: A

HTML and Web Symbols

  1. Which HTML symbol represents an unordered list?
    A) <ul>
    B) <ol>
    C) <li>
    D) <table>
    Answer: A
  2. What does the symbol &lt; represent in HTML?
    A) < (less than)
    B) > (greater than)
    C) & (ampersand)
    D) " (quote)
    Answer: A
  3. Which HTML symbol is used to add a hyperlink?
    A) <link>
    B) <a>
    C) <img>
    D) <div>
    Answer: B
  4. What does the symbol &nbsp; represent in HTML?
    A) Line break
    B) Tab space
    C) Non-breaking space
    D) Ampersand
    Answer: C
  5. Which HTML tag is used to represent an image?
    A) <img>
    B) <image>
    C) <src>
    D) <media>
    Answer: A

Mathematical and Logical Symbols

  1. What does the ^ symbol represent in programming?
    A) Logical OR
    B) Bitwise XOR
    C) Logical NOT
    D) Multiplication
    Answer: B
  2. Which symbol is used for division in most programming languages?
    A) /
    B) //
    C) ÷
    D) %
    Answer: A
  3. What does the || symbol represent in many programming languages?
    A) Logical AND
    B) Logical OR
    C) Logical NOT
    D) Bitwise OR
    Answer: B
  4. What is the symbol for multiplication in programming?
    A) x
    B) *
    C) .
    D) /
    Answer: B
  5. Which symbol is used for exponentiation in Python?
    A) ^
    B) **
    C) *
    D) %
    Answer: B

Keyboard and Special Symbols

  1. What does the @ symbol typically represent in email addresses?
    A) User
    B) Domain separator
    C) Protocol identifier
    D) Port
    Answer: B
  2. What is the symbol for “greater than or equal to”?
    A) >
    B) <
    C) >=
    D) <=
    Answer: C
  3. Which symbol represents the “pipe” operator in Unix/Linux?
    A) /
    B) |
    C) \
    D) >
    Answer: B
  4. What does the # symbol often represent in configuration files?
    A) A section header
    B) A comment line
    C) A variable
    D) A directive
    Answer: B
  5. Which symbol is used to terminate statements in C?
    A) :
    B) ;
    C) .
    D) ,
    Answer: B

Additional MCQs

  1. Which symbol is used to represent a wildcard in command-line operations?
    A) *
    B) ?
    C) !
    D) $
    Answer: A
  2. What does the ~ symbol represent in Unix/Linux?
    A) Root directory
    B) Home directory
    C) Temporary files
    D) Swap memory
    Answer: B
  3. Which of these symbols is used for comments in HTML?
    A) <!-- -->
    B) //
    C) /* */
    D) #
    Answer: A
  4. Which symbol is used to define an ID in CSS?
    A) .
    B) #
    C) @
    D) *
    Answer: B
  5. What does the $ symbol typically denote in shell scripting?
    A) Variable
    B) Constant
    C) Function
    D) Keyword
    Answer: A

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