1. according to freedom network anuual impunity 2022 report there have been no convictions in ….percent of murder case of journalists in pakistan between 2012 1nd 2022.
a. 74percent
d.none of these
2. Kashmir black day is observed on….
a. 25 oct
b.26 oct
c. 27 oct
d. 28 oct
3. what is pakistan,s share in JF-17 thunder production
a. 48percent
b 52percent
c 58percent
d 62percent
4. which famous pakistanis cricket staddium was renamed NATIONAL BANK CRICKET ARENA on october 25, 2022
a. gaddafi staduim, lahore
b. national cricket staduim, karachi
c. multan international cricket staduim
s. pindi cricket staduim
5. who is participated in 12th session of information minister of OIC member states on 22 oct 2022
a. ishaq dar
b. mariyam aurangzeb
c. hina rabbani khar
d. bilawal bhutto
6. pirme minister Shehbaz Sharif visited saudi arabia on 24th october 2022 to attend the …..
a. confidence building measures in aisa (CICA) SUMMIT
b. future invetment initiative summit
c. climate change confernce COP27
d.none of these
7. the toshakhana , the gift depository of pakistan , was formed in ….
a. 1973
b. 1974
c. 1975
d.none of these
8. arshad sharif was the host of the power play political show on ….
a. GEO news
b. ARY news
c.Dunya news
d. none of these
9. arshad sharif was the host of the politicals show on ARY news
a capitals talk
b. power play
c. report card
d. none of these
10. Journalist arshad sharif shot dead in kenya on …
a. 18 oct 2022
b. 20 oct 2022
c. 24 oct 2022
d. none of these
11. who is the appionted as chairman of pakistan national shipping corporation
a. rizwan ahmed
b. abdul hafeez
c. rear admiral jawad ahmed
d. none of these
12. FATF removes pakistan from grey list after how many years…
a. 3 years
b. 4 years
c. 6 years
d. none of these
13. FATF removes pakistan from grey list after 4 years on….
a. 20 oct 2022
b. 21 oct 2022
c. 23 oct 2022
d. none of these
14. former PM Imran Khan disquailified by election commissions of pakistan on 21 0ct 2022 in which case.
a. contempt of court
b. foreign funding case
c. tosha khana reference
d. none of these
15. the FATF has recently removed pakistan because it has addressed …. action items in total.
a. 32
b. 33
c. 34
d. none of these